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I Am Statements 3

“I am the door.” John 10:7-9

In Jesus days, sheep were herded into a sheepfold at night for protection. This was usually a stone circle with an opening for the entrance. As the sheep went in at night, the shepherd would check that they were his sheep, and that they were all there. Then he guarded them until the morning, from thieves, robbers and wild animals.

Jesus was painting this familiar picture with the people of His day to illustrate that He is the door to eternal life. No sheep could go into the fold without going through the door, and no person can go to heaven without going through the saving grace of Jesus. Once in the fold, the sheep were well protected, and once we’re saved Jesus has promised that He will never leave us (unprotected) or forsake us.

In those days, you would know that anyone trying to climb into the sheepfold was a thief and a robber (v1). Jesus is warning us that anyone who tells you that you can get to heaven in any other way than through Him, is a false teacher; someone who wants to rob you of eternal life.

The entrance into the sheepfold was narrow; usually only wide enough for one sheep at a time. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:13-14 that we must enter eternal life through the narrow gate – His Salvation. This flies in the face of pluralistic teaching that all faiths lead to the same god. That is the broad way, big enough for all beliefs in all gods. But the Bible clearly teaches that the broad way leads to hell and destruction.

No other god died for his people. No other god gives the security of eternal salvation to his followers. No other god will freely forgive genuine repentance.

Jesus is unique. He is the only door to heaven. There is no other way.

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