Now the lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.
Genesis 12:1
Abraham is known as the father of the faithful. When he heard God speak to him, he obeyed. This meant separation from his family, his home and everything that was familiar to him. It is the same for everyone who is born again into the Kingdom of God.
Separation is a huge theme in the Bible. Abraham was to be separated unto God. God separated to Himself one man who would become a large family and then a nation that would demonstrate His immutable (unchanging) plan to save humankind from the punishment for their sin and restore a close and intimate relationship with Him. As Christians we are called to be a kingdom of priests, a holy nation, separated unto God.
This begins when God through the sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross separates us from our sins. When we repent and turn to Him for salvation, God cleanses us from all our sins and throws them into the sea of His forgetfulness. (Micah 7:19). He remembers them no more. They are gone forever. We are separated from them by and through the blood sacrifice of Jesus. We must now cultivate a life style that separates us from sinful habits. We have to put off the old man and put on the new, Ephesians 4:24. This involves a radical separation from everything and everyone that would draw us away from God. Sometimes relationships need to be severed. In some instances, a person may need to change job or move from a particular neighbourhood where they could so easily be drawn back into their old lifestyle. This does not mean that you embark on a monastic lifestyle. We are called to live in the world and be a light to the world, but we need to be careful that we don’t put ourselves in the position where sin can easily entrap us again.
While we still live in the world, we are to be separate from it in our attitudes and ambitions. The world tells us that success is in personal achievements and advancement. There is nothing wrong with a good education, or a good job, but when your ambition and pursuit is to gain for yourself a successful and comfortable life, you’ve missed the mark of your calling. God gives each one of us differing abilities. They are gifts that He has given to us to use for His glory, not for our own gain.
Separation is a continuing lifestyle that puts God’s Word and his Ways first in our lives. There are things that are obviously harmful to our walk with God, but there are also things that are fine in and of themselves, but rob us of time spent with God and working for His Kingdom. Interests, hobbies and sports are good for us. They help us relax and enjoy life, but when all we do is our daily work and then pursue our own interests, they can become a snare that will rob us of spiritual growth and fellowship with God, and fulfilling our purpose and calling in life.