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To All That Did Receive Him

To all that did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become the children of God. John 1:12

When God created Adam and Eve, He intended them to fill the earth with more and more people, all in perfect relationship with Himself, living in the wonder of His blessing and peace. Sin ruined the relationship. God then chose one man, Abraham, to become the father of a nation who would follow Him. He made a covenant with Abraham that was signified by circumcision. Any male born into Abraham’s family was to be circumcised, and anyone who wanted to join this family was to be circumcised. They would then share the blessings that God promised to Abraham. God’s desire has always been to include everyone – to be a blessing to the nations.

Later God gave His specific laws to Moses that would govern this nation that grew out of the family of Abraham. They were a chosen people, given a code of living that would ensure the blessing of God. As any student of the Old Testament knows, the family of Abraham continually failed to obey God’s laws. They rebelled, repented, cried out for God to deliver them, but even though He did, time and time again, they continued the same downward cycle. Eventually they were defeated by their enemies and taken into captivity. The family that was chosen to be a blessing to the nations, became the embittered captives of the nations they were supposed to bless.

Yet God never regaled on His promise of a Saviour, or His desire that the whole world enjoy the blessings only He can give. In this new beginning that we’ve been talking about the last couple of days, we see that he did not choose another man or a family to bring about His blessings, but sent His own Son. Jesus willingly came to earth to bring spiritual light to anyone who would receive His message.

The Jews were so sure that as they were the descendants of Abraham, they were therefore the people of God. They rejected Jesus as the Messiah because He challenged their spiritual darkness. Their religion was one of outward rituals that held no inner reality. In verse 11 we read that Jesus “came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.” Jesus came to bring a new religious understanding. It was no longer the people related to Abraham, born into his family, or circumcised into this nation that were the people of God. The right to become the children of God was not through ritual or inheritance, it was by faith that Jesus was the promised Messiah.

God’s desire has always been the blessing of the nations. This blessing can only come through relationship with Him by the acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Saviour. It is open to all who will receive Him, regardless of ethnic background.

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